Autumn! (not really)…

…but damn close! We’re getting our first rain up here in Fiddletown, CA which means giant beetles will be swarming soon (prolly?)

…lovin’ the rain

The smell and just the feeling of rain is the greatest thing and something I’ve really missed. It adds a nice calm to everything, the sound is calming and everything feels clean. Not sure how this is going to affect our burgeoning astronomy hobby. I’m thinking if it’s clear by the evening we should have some great views prior to the moon rising.

I’m considering some new eyepieces for the scope. I’m thinking a 32mm wide field (>60 degrees) and maybe a short (5mm) widefield to augment some of our planet views. And a battery so I don’t have to drag a power cord out every time. Good thing this isn’t a gear hobby!

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